Uniform Requirements
The TMLOA uses the following uniform and equipment for all high school, and youth lacrosse games:
Black shorts with belt loop and pockets (no cargo shorts)
Black ankle socks
Short-sleeved striped shirt (1 inch strip required for 2025)
Long-sleeved striped shirt (1 inch strip required for 2025)
Black belt with plain silver buckle (plain belt)
Black turf and/or grass athletic shoes
Black hat with white piping
Two penalty flags (black-ball flags are recommended, gold are acceptable)
Black Fox-40 finger-grip whistle
Lacrosse Scorecard
Lacrosse official's timer (reference this link)
Small, 6 ft, tape measure that fits in pocket
Optional recommended gear includes:
Black nylon rain pants with zipper ankles (no stripes or logos)
A black nylon jacket (see above)
A short-sleeved mesh striped shirt (if you will work games in the summer)
Black wicking T-shirts for under your striped shirt (long and short sleeves)
A new officials hat (and/or a mesh hat for hot days)
A plain black bag for your gear
Shoe polish (to keep black shoes looking nice)
Spare or replacement Fox-40 finger-grip whistles, a Fox-40 lanyard whistle as a backup, penalty flags, score cards, coins, tape measures, pencils, erasers, black belt, shorts, socks
Any other items (e.g., gloves, headbands) should be black.
Uniform and Equipment Vendors
The following vendors sell lacrosse officiating gear:
All Sports Officials LLC (Uniforms, Accessories and TMLOA apparel)
Local Official - Roger Rickman also runs Sport&Fashion and supplies uniform items
He can be reached at 919-696-6458

Warm weather uniform
Cold weather uniform